Stop The Water While Using Me
Stop The Water While Using Me
Stop The Water While Using Me
Stop The Water While Using Me
Stop The Water While Using Me
Stop The Water While Using Me

Stop The Water While Using Me!

With this sustainable bodycare line, the name says it all. It’s all about conservation. From eliminating toxic ingredients, chemicals, colourings and unnecessary additives to saving energy during production – meeting all these requirements is a huge task in itself, especially when there are so many products involved, from shower gel to shampoo, soap and liquid soap to toothpaste. In this particular case, the whole project had to be produced in a small initial run.

From a purely factual point of view, it doesn’t get any more unattractive than this for a manufacturer, printing company and bottler. Fortunately, there are projects where the spark is ignited and partners put the same heart and soul into the product as you do yourself. These kind of partners had to be searched for. And they were out there. For the product and material research, we turned half of Europe upside down.

Thanks for asking – of course not everything ran smoothly. The toothpaste tubes turned out to be particularly difficult as they are produced exclusively in large quantities. The entire production process uses inline filling. However, we were even able to find a solution for this – in the form of a manufacturer offering prefabricated tubes, which we then filled afterwards in a separate process.

In the meantime, Stop The Water While Using Me! is on everyone’s lips, and not just as toothpaste. The range comprises over 60 products, many of which have won international awards for their packaging and design. Stop The Self-Congratulating.