umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material
umlaut advertising material

umlaut | adds something on töp

What do a table tennis table, a cookbook and a headband have in common? That’s top secret, but you will find out in the course of this article. Here’s the code name: Nova. This is the name we used to relaunch the P3 Group as umlaut, with Rocket & Wink as the head designers. Truly top secret. 

Project support and management included research, enquiries, calculation, planning and procurement as well as the implementation of various advertising materials in extremely tightly scheduled stages. Including special production in China, worldwide shipping and secret packaging. 

You’re right! Enough with the secrecy. So what do the items mentioned at the beginning have in common? They were all part of the relaunch – along with several others things.